Cattle prods have been used in some form or another for many years now. They are very effective when dealing with and controlling large herds of cattle. They’re designed in a way that ensures they’re safe and won’t cause any discomfort or long-term damage to the cows. They’re pretty simple to use and require no […]
Continue readingElectric fence chargers provide the power required to keep your electric animal fencing live and healthy. Energizing your fencing is imperative if you own a large area of land with lots of cattle, horses or goats running around. Most people will have some sort of fencing in place to stop animals escaping, or even predators […]
Continue readingSlow feeders are the perfect feeding solution for horses if you want to create a healthy, cost-effective, and more natural grazing solution for them. Slow feeders control the rate at which the horse can consume the hay provided, which is more natural for equines and promotes a healthier digestive system and a better feeding position. You […]
Continue readingHigh withered horses can present a problem when trying to get a saddle to fit them properly. A saddle pad is perfect for cushioning the horse and reducing any discomfort that may be caused for a high withered horse. These pads simply go underneath your actual saddle, but you can’t just select any pad as […]
Continue readingElectric fencing setups can be very expensive, especially if you have a large pasture or field that you want fully electrified. Once you have your fence powered up with a charger, you’ll want to make sure that the electric fence is working and giving out the correct level of shock. Being sure that your fence […]
Continue readingA good pair of sheep or goat clippers is essential if you’re into keeping them on a farm or pasture. If you have a large number of them roaming around, then you need something that will let you quickly and efficiently, shear their coats. Just like having the right trimmers for hooves, you’ll want a […]
Continue readingThere are several things you need to properly, safely, and comfortably ride your horse no matter the purpose of the ride. You don’t want your horse, or you, to get injured, and having a properly-fitting cinch is important to your safety, as well as that of your horse. The cinch is the band that goes around […]
Continue readingThere are many things that farmers and ranchers do that most people aren’t privy to knowing about. One of these things is calf dehorning. Dehorning is done primarily on dairy farms to prevent self-injury of the calf, injuries to other herd mates, and injuries to the people working with the animals themselves. This makes calves in […]
Continue readingIt’s important to keep your horse looking and feeling its best, and a key part of that is to have and use quiet cordless horse clippers that aren’t going to scare or spook the horse. We’ve found the five best clippers that are quiet and cordless for you to use on your horse for all […]
Continue readingSome people think that ice boots are designed to protect horse’s hoofs from snow or ice on the ground, but in actual fact, they are designed to cool your horse’s legs down after exercising, training, competing, or even after an injury. The muscles and joints can easily become strained if overworked, this is why it’s […]
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